Experience Soulance in the Sperrins in the curvaceous, luscious, wild and rugged landscapes of the Central Sperrins.
Learn who you are at your deepest level from the majesty of the area, allow yourself to be immersed in the healing vibration of the Elements, whatever they may bring.
From a couple of hours in the outdoors, to a half or full day themed excursion to optimise and rejuvenate your soul from the inside out. These days can be experienced solo or within the confines of a small group of people.
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Discover the native tree species of the Central Sperrin Mountains and the gifts that they bring to humanity. Trees are linked to the cycles of space and time and have much wisdom to share with us. As well as the healing benefits that they bring to humanity and to the wildlife through their flowers and fruits, they have much ancient folklore associated with them and are beautiful to witness in the pristine environment of the high Sperrins.
My husband and his father in law helped to replant an area of Coneyglen at the bottom of the glen with many species of native trees over 30 years ago. It is beautiful to experience the lush growth and to witness the transformation it has bought to the area.
It is best to experience the Trees by taking time to walk around the glen.

Hear the sound of the rivers running and the streams merging. Feel the breeze, light wind or warm Sun on your skin. Let the way the light dances with colour in the Sperrins over the landscapes fill the spaces of your soul. Here we experience time for the heart space, reflection, contemplation and a nourishing of our inner and outer space as we travel onward in the spiral of life’s journey.
The Sperrins are an ancient and sacred sanctuary to all with eyes to see and ears to hear, and hearts to feel. If you feel closed off, anxious, depressed, uncertain, or that your heart cannot be mended, a space here can emerge where naturally you will find yourself in the healing vibration of the land, given the opportunity it will awaken you to her and your ongoing light.

This quiet secluded glen hid in the mountainous peaks of the Sperrins, once had many sounds rush through it and echo down the Valley. Life’s were lived and traditions were passed down through the generations. Times were hard, but community spirit also prevailed in this beautiful yet sometimes harsh environment.
The history is rich and the secrets encapsulated through times gone by are one’s worth capturing and carrying in your soul. Discover the secrets and stories of the more recent Ancestors of the glen.

Sawel in the Irish Language means Vulva and thus the highest and most anciently revered mountain of the Sperrins is named after the strong and formidable feminine creative and birthing energies. This energy on the earth is presently making a strong reemergence as people become reconnected to aspects of themselves and creativity that has been denied in favour of a more linear outlook.
Through my deep love and connection of the Sperrins, I create a space either inside or outside for you to find that mountain and stability that resides in you and is your birthright.

A day to discover how your soul dances with the earth energies, the elements and the cosmos. Experience a coming home to a light language that humanity has embodied since it held the first prism of colour in its vision and midst.
Within the Rainbow light colour code their is an imprint and pattern that is trying to emerge through the journey and beauty of your own unique life- force. This work can be done singularly or within a small network or group of people.

Life is a process of sowing our seeds, nurturing, growing, flowering and coming back into the seat of ourselves.
A re-balancing of our inner landscapes at all times is essential to be in the great flow of life itself, a connection and acceptance of the cycle of time that we all share with nature. There are tools within the container of ourselves that we can embody and reestablish to make this process more free flowing on a daily level. What Seeds have you been watering and growing?
Planting your seeds wakefully and consciously can change your life.
Ancient Mystical Sperrins

This is the real McCoy, discovering the sites and silent stones in their precious gem locations, rotating around the Sun for millenniums now, yet always timeless, connected revered and sacred.
A full day experience is a must for those whose hearts are ready to embrace holding space for the Earth. Two different discoveries of the area can be facilitated.